Kickstart your SEO with power topics.

Choose the right ‘easily winnable’ topic to outperform the competition in your area.

This killer list will give you 15 essential blog post topics, saving you hours of research and which are relatively quick to produce.

In fact, we’ve chosen these particular topics because we’ve seen them work well for photographers around the world. These are the topics every photographer should cover if they want to dominate search in their local area.

15 Essential Topics To Fuel Your SEO

As well as this topic power list, we’ll be sending you the best regular SEO intel for photographers that you can find anywhere. It’s valuable and actionable!


  • 3 ideas per niche that we’ve seen repeatedly drive traffic for other photographers
  • The ideas that will end up at the top of your list anyway saving you hours of research
  • Intuitively and relatively quick to write
  • Topics focused on your local area, helping you with your local authority and drive qualified traffic that can book you
  • Use these as quick inspiration to add even more similar ideas to your list

Well done!

This doc is quick and easy to go through, and most importantly, helpful! 


Thanks for all that you guys do!

This is awesome! Definitely helpful and I loved that it offered different topics for different types of photographers. So many guides only cover one style and this has amazing topics for each genre.
